
Wool Stringsとは神奈川県在住のryohei amedaがソロで音楽活動するときの名義。
影響を受けたアーティストはjoao gilberto,the beach boys,the pastelsなど。
sheepsleeps,merci-s,marconi等でのバンド活動を経たのち、2008年5月より、それまで書きためた楽曲をWool Strings名義でネット上に発表し始める。

Wool Strings is a solo project by Ryohei Ameda from Kanagawa, Japan.
He is influenced by Joao Gilberto, The Beach Boys and The Pastels.
He started playing the guitar and recording his original songs to his cassette tape recorder by himself when he was 15 years old.
After playing in some bands such as Sheepsleeps, Merci-s and Marconi, he began to release the tracks he’d written and stored until then on MySpace.
He plays, does recording and mixing all the instruments (except some parts of the flute) by himself.
When he has a live show, he usually plays in a band helped by his friends.
